Welcome to Year 6
Mrs Roberts - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Mrs Greenhead - Wednesday
Other staff:
Mrs Marley - Booster sessions
Mrs Blakeman - Tuesday morning
Learning in Year 6 2024-2025:
Spring 1
Year 6 Mini Adventure - What is the economic activity of the UK and how sustainable is it?
Homework will be set on a Friday and
will be due in the following Thursday.
Homework to be completed each week:
Reading: you should read every day at home for at least 10 minutes.
Please read to an adult and ask them to write a comment in your reading record.
Spellings: Weekly spellings - Spring 1 List
Maths: Key Instant Recall Facts for Year 6 - Spring 1 KIRFS
One other piece of Maths or English each week.
Please ensure PE kit is worn to school on a Wednesday and a Thursday.
Swimming kit needs to be brought in every Thursday.
Useful websites:
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds
Remember to keep up to date with the latest
information using the link to our school Facebook page: