“Letting our Light Shine.”

Our school aims are based on the belief that each child is made in the image and likeness of God. The mission statement and school values can be seen everyday across our school, where the team are a beacon of light and opportunities are created to allow all children to shine.

At SSPP, we are committed in recognising that all children are unique and as a community we aim to motivate, engage, inspire and celebrate our pupils’ journey, efforts and achievements. Where pupils have special educational needs or disabilities, as a school, we plan provision that encourages, support and challenges pupils to raise aspirations and to play an integral part of life across the school.

‘Every child has an opportunity to be an expert and master their uniqueness.’

Our Rationale and Intent for all of the pupils within Our Blessed Saints Federation


If you have any questions or would like further information about SEND at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School please contact:

Miss Louise Russell (SENCO)

01952 386450 or [email protected]


SEND Newsletter