Wrap around Provision
Mission Statement for Breakfast and After School Club
The breakfast and after school clubs at SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School aim to care for the children who attend these clubs and support their families before and after school during term time. We seek to work in partnership with all families, in providing high quality care and a stimulating environment for children.
We aim to ensure all children are in a caring environment, which enables them to learn and develop through their play and socialisation with other club members.
The clubs provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment for all children to play, learn and develop. We encourage the children to foster a positive attitude and respect for both themselves and other people. The children are supervised at all times by qualified and experienced staff.
Breakfast Club
The school operates a Breakfast Club every day the school is open to pupils. It has proved to be very popular with parents and children.
It is staffed by one Breakfast Club Supervisor and two Breakfast Club Assistants and runs from 7.45 to 8.45 a.m. Places MUST be booked in advance as we have to adhere to strict adult/child ratios.
The format of Breakfast Club is:
Drop off and collection times
SSPP Breakfast Club: A member of the team will collect children at the front gate at the following drop off times 7:45am; 8am and 8:15am.
8.15 -8.35 Breakfast – all sitting down together
8.35 -8-45 Tidy up and get ready for class
Breakfast is usually juice, water or milk; cereal, toast or yoghurt with fruit, bacon sandwiches, scrambled eggs, pancakes, beans or omelettes on special occasions!
First child: £3.00
1st sibling: £2.50
2nd sibling: £2.00
A registration form, a code of conduct form for the children to sign and a booking form can be found below. Please note that once your child’s sessions are confirmed these will be payable, whether your child attends or not. This will ensure that these sessions are always available to you. We understand families have emergencies but we will need 48 hours notice of any change or whether your child needs extra days. Any child misbehaving or displaying inappropriate behaviour may lose their sessions and be refused admittance.
Breakfast club will be held in the school hall, entrance will be via the main school entrance and parking is outside the school gates.
We will be giving the children a variety of healthy breakfasts and occasional treats. We will be planning many activities, but there will also be a reading corner or perhaps a chance for your children to complete their homework.
breakfast club enrolment – permissions form
Enrolment Form
SSPP After School Club
Our after school club in held on site and operates from 3pm until 5.45pm. Full information can be found in the prospectus below:
SSPP After School Club: A member of team will bring the children to the front gate at collection times 4pm; 4:30pm; 5pm; 5:30pm and 5:45pm.
until 4pm £2.50
until 4.30pm £4.00
after 4:30pm £8.00
A 10% sibling discount will apply.