School Council
Meet the School Council Team!
The term ‘pupil voice’ refers to ways of listening to the views of pupils and/or involving them in decision-making. You may also hear the expressions ‘learner voice’ or ‘consulting pupils’.
We believe in engaging pupils as active participants in their education and in making a positive contribution to their school and local community.
We have different groups where children can take an active part in school life and can have a say in decisions that are made.
Our School Council
Our School Council have representatives from every class, Mrs Mitchell supports the work we do to improve the school. We look forward to hearing about what the School Council has in store for 2023-24.
Reception: Ashton & Elodie
Year 1: Lee & Archie
Year 2: Ollie & Clemmie
Year 3: Ellie & Vinnie
Year 4: Thea & Ronnie
Year 5: Abigail & Oliver
Year 6: Oscar & Khloe
School Council have begun the year choosing competition winners for the new design for our Good Mentions Certificates. Thank you to all the children that entered the competition for our new Good Mention Certificates. It was really difficult for the School councillors to choose a winner; they were all so fantastic. They spent a long time looking carefully at the entries and have chosen the following winners:
Reception: James
Year 1: Lee
Year 2: Christy
Year 3: Penelope
Year 4: Felicity
Year 5: Sophie
Year 6: Yumeng
Previous successes!
During the academic year 2022-2023, School Council met with the Telford & Wrekin Let’s Dine Catering Team to help create our own SSPP school menu, the children learnt about healthy food choices and how to design a well-balanced menu. We look forward to seeing the SSPP menu design soon.
During the academic year 2021-22 year Mrs Wickett led the re-establishing of our School Council after an enforced break during Covid. When looking at democracy at the beginning of the school year, the children voted for their class councillor during their class elections.
The school council have taken position and refreshed our school house point system. We took a class vote and renamed our houses as we needed to reset this alongside the rewards for winning each term. School Council representatives following class consultations decided that house points are going to be used to reward children who show our school Gospel Values and would be collected weekly. The reward for the termly winners is either a mufti day or an inside out day. House point totals to be reported weekly on the school newsletter. They led an assembly to launch and explain how the system is going to work.
School Council also launched the ‘Extreme Reading Challenge’ on World Book Day to raise sponsorship money for their reading for pleasure book corners. The Extreme Reading Challenge raised over £1000, the children will choose their books in the autumn term 2022. Enjoy some of the entries in this video Extreme Reading Challenge Video
School Council were asked their views by T&W for the 10 by 10 project which has been launched this year. These are 10 activities that all children in the Local Authority should complete by the time they are 10. They were asked their views on the project, which activities would be easy to complete, and which would be more tricky. They were asked their views about how their progress should be recorded and the language that should be used. They were given the opportunity to share any other ideas they had that they thought would be good. All the ideas were collected by the children and Miss Staniforth fed these back to the representative at the Local Authority.
During the academic year 2019-20 the children held a Rock Stars Day to fund the Timestables Rockstars subscription which was purchased in the Summer Term.