Welcome to Reception


Mrs Johnson - Monday - Friday


Other staff:

Mrs Evans Monday-Friday

Mrs Smith - Wednesday morning

Learning in Year R 2024-2025:

Meet the Teacher year R 2024.pdf

EYFS Yearly overview 2024-25.pdf

Please find videos below which will support you:

Phase 2 Sounds https://vimeo.com/641445921/9382cf6db0

Phase 3 Sounds https://vimeo.com/642342878/59d233684c

Parents Guide to ELS

Spring 2

Year R I wonder how it works MA web 2024-25 

Home Learning:

Class Newsletter and suggested activities for home learning  will be set on a Friday and

will be due in the following Wednesday. 

Reading: you should read every day at home for at least 10 minutes.

Please read to an adult and ask them to write a comment in your reading record.  



Please bring in PE kit on a Monday and we will will send it home each Friday

P.E. will be on a Thursday morning

Outdoor Learning:

Wellies and waterproofs to be brought in from home and will be kept here for the half term.

Outdoor learning will take place weekly.


Following an update from the DfE around phonics teaching we have moved to Essential Letters and Sounds, this is a phonics programme based on Letters and Sounds (2007). This new phonics programme will support your children in making quick progress to become fluent and confident readers.

To best support us in teaching your child how to read we ask that you read the decodable text provided by the school 4 times across the week. Spending 10 minutes a day reading with your child will hugely support them in their journey to becoming an independent reader.

We will be changing children’s books once a week on Fridays, this allows your child to reread each text several times building their confidence and fluency. This is especially important as they begin to learn that the sounds within our language can be spelt in different ways.

It is a key part of learning to read that children reread words and sentences that they can decode (sound out) until they are fluent (read with ease and precision). By reading texts several times children have the greatest opportunity to achieve this fluency.

The texts sent home are carefully matched to the teaching taking place in school. Your child will be practising what they have been taught in school with you at home. We will only ask children to read books independently when they can decode these by themselves. Any books that are not yet decodable for the children will be a sharing book. These books are there for you to read with you child, helping us to instil a love of reading from the very beginning of their reading journey. These could be read together with your child reading the words they are able to decode or could be read to your child.

Please find videos below which will support you:

Phase 2 Sounds https://vimeo.com/641445921/9382cf6db0

Phase 3 Sounds https://vimeo.com/642342878/59d233684c

Parents Guide to ELS

Useful websites:


Teach Your Monster: Free Phonics, Reading and Mathematics Games

Helicopter Rescue - Mental Maths for 4 to 8 Year Olds (topmarks.co.uk)


Remember to keep up to date with the latest

information using the link to our school Facebook page: