The religious education of the children is not confined to RE lessons but is taking place every day throughout the year. A caring, respectful atmosphere is promoted in the school where the children’s knowledge and love of God and their neighbours can grow and flourish. The Catholic RE Programme – ‘The Way The Truth and The Life’  is used in all classes. All the assemblies within school have a religious base. Great emphasis is placed on children’s liturgy.

Though we are a Catholic school parents still have a right to withdraw their child from religious education including acts of collective worship e.g. assembly. If parents so choose then they must make their wishes formally known in writing to the Headteacher. For those children withdrawn from religious education arrangements will be made for private study in a class not receiving religious instruction.

We celebrate a range of Feast Days throughout the year with special Masses and Liturgies that both Fr Anthony and Deacon David lead.

SSPP Catholic Religious Education curriculum explained 

SSPP Catholic Religious Education overview 

Whole School Skills Overview

Our Policies

RE Policy updated May

Policy for Collective Worship