At SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, we are very proud of the excellent behaviour our pupils show both in school

and when the children visit other public sites in the local community or further afield.

Our Golden Promises and Values are woven into every aspect of school life we reward children in a variety of ways.

Here are some ways we show our Golden Promises in school:

House Points

The school council have re-designed the way class dojos will be rewarded and how these build into house points.


We earn points for our houses through class dojos.  These accumulate in classes each half term and are rewarded with a house mufti day.

Individual and Class Rewards

Each class use class dojos to reward demonstrating the golden promises and school values, class learning behaviour and excellent work.   

The children earn dojos each week and these accumulate as the half term progresses.  Here are the prizes they can collect once they have enough dojos.


Good Mentions Assembly

Each week we also have our Good Mentions Assembly where we celebrate one child from each class who have shown outstanding work, behaviour, kindness, perseverance, progress or any other quality teachers want to recognise.  As part of this assembly, we also recognise children who have received a Headteacher Award.  If children have done something exceptional any member of staff can nominate them for a special Headteacher Award. 

Certificates given during Good Mentions Assembly are taken home by the children so that they can share with family members their successes.  Children are celebrated on our weekly Newsletter Sway which is sent out weekly and on shared on Facebook too.

Celebration Assemblies

Each half term we will hold a Reception/KS1 and a KS2 Celebration Assembly.

We will let parents know the week before the assembly if their child has been chosen so that they are able to organise to attend or send other family members on their behalf.  We hope that parents will enjoy this addition to our assemblies and the chance to hear about their child’s successes!

During these assemblies we will also celebrate our sporting and any other school successes.  We also invite parents to continue to let us know about their child’s achievements outside of school that we can celebrate during this assembly.