School building fund 2022/23

School building fund 2022/23

Dear Parent/Carers

As you are aware, SS Peter & Pauls Catholic Primary is a Voluntary Aided school which is supported by the Diocese of Shrewsbury.  The Voluntary Aided status means that in return for the right to promote the Catholic Faith in our school, the Diocese is legally responsible for a contribution of 10% of the cost of external building and maintenance works, which is partly funded from parental contributions.

These voluntary contributions are requested annually through the Diocesan Building Fund, and as a school we are duty bound to meet a sum of £15 per pupil, so we would strongly encourage parents to make their contribution as we are obliged to raise any shortfall from school funds which could reduce spending in other areas of the school.  To date we have received voluntary contributions of £495 against a commitment to the Diocese of £3,030 leaving a £2,960 shortfall.

From the Diocesan School Building Fund ‘Pot’ in Summer 2022 the Diocese completely funded the front entrance paving project to change it from the block paving to tarmac surfaces which are safer and look much better.  The cost for the paving project was £68,707.00 plus VAT. 

Bids for this year have been submitted by SSPP for the DSBF ‘pot’ to meet the costs for a new replacement safety surface to be installed on the KS1 playground, and for all the external windows and doors to be renovated to make them more secure and weather-proof. These improvements/repairs to the school building and site ultimately improves the learning environment for all our pupils.


yours faithfully

S Staniforth                                                           P Heffernan

Miss Sarah Staniforth                                                   Mrs Pauline Heffernan

Headteacher                                                                    Chair of Governors