The Voice of SEND

Parental Voice

What did you say about SEND at SSPP?

As a school, we are always interested in hearing parental thoughts about our current provision and practices. Last academic year, we asked for your views about SEND.

Below are the findings of our online questionnaire and how we have addressed some of your suggestions and ideas.

Wonderful to receive such positive feedback 

We have re-designed the SEND page of the website to make it more accessible to parents and children.




Individual provision maps are shared with parents each term. Parents are encouraged to feedback on targets and progress.

Individual provision maps are working documents that are adapted and reviewed throughout the term.


We have worked with families to identify further support at home including additional intervention and resources that you can access to support your child’s learning.

Coffee mornings to continue to take place in 2022-2023 either face to face or virtually. Dates to be confirmed. 




Concerns raised by parents are a priority to us. The Federation SENCO will aim to contact parents within 5 days to discuss concerns and look at solutions.

All parents receive notification and consent forms for external agency involvement. Reports are sent to parents once they have been received by school.


We are always interested to hear your views.